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166 results found

  1. 为什么现在老用户要花68升级???


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  2. 书写优化


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  3. 不能够导入注释


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  4. 设置为标题


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  5. 3 votes

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  6. 关于mn3和MNpro

    刚买MN pro两个多月吧,我还没怎么用它,学生党也是自己第一次买这么贵的软件,没想到就出MN3了。
    从另一方面,作者没有直接下架mn pro还好。希望作者要下架mn pro的时候能先通知一声,我好有个准备,备份一下我的资料。
    所以mn pro会下架吗,什么时候phase out呢?

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  7. 右侧记笔记左侧看书


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  8. 希望提供常用设置快捷切换栏

    在阅读和学习的过程中经常要用到不同颜色的高亮及不同颜色、粗细的手写设置,每次切换都要手动修改,影响效率。希望借鉴pdf expert等软件,在文档左右提供常用设置快捷选取栏。

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  9. 在黑夜模式下黑色笔记横线看不见

    理论上应该要做到看见的,对不。PDF expert在黑夜模式下的黑色笔记划线是能看到的。

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  10. 在网页查询的时候就没有办法同时写入侧面的笔记了,只能先记住网页查询的东西,再切换到笔记处输入笔记,不是很方便,因为很多时候侧面的笔记用到了网页查询的资料。希望能够让二者同时存在,在侧栏笔记做一个上下分布方便同时查看。


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  11. 图片型笔记量大容易卡顿


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  12. 在自建的笔记中高亮卡片中的文字


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  13. mac 版,繁体字文章摘录时,卡片是乱码。

    mac 版,繁体字文章摘录时,卡片是乱码。但ipad是好的。

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  14. Persistent Toolbar During Annotating Gestures

    At this point, when we highlight text, a black toolbar/menu pops up right above/near the highlighted text. However, after I make my selection - say, changing the color, or changing the underline - the toolbar disappears after a single selection. I'd like the toolbar to stay there until I tap away from it. I'd like to be able to make multiple selections, like change the tag, and the color, and the visibility, and the stroke all without having to re-tap the highlighted text and making the toolbar reappear. That'd save us a lot of time and repetitive taps. Thanks!

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  15. Export All Pages, Leaving Unmarked Pages Alone

    At this point, when we export book with margin notes to PDF, when only have the option to Export Highlighted Pages, or Export All Pages. However, I'd really like a middle option, where MarginNote exports out all pages, but if there aren't any highlights/notes, that it would leave the PDF without a margin. It's just cleaner to the eye if the PDF page has no blank margin, leaving readers to wonder why is there is a big blank margin sitting there for no reason. (If we choose Export Highlighted Pages, then MarginNote skips the unhighlighted/unmarked PDFs, and that's not cool…

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  16. 划重点模式的全局联动 软件操作逻辑改进 标题的意义


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  17. Create responsive support for MarginNote users

    Support staff fails to respond to MarginNote users who repeatedly ask urgent questions. This is serious problem.

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  18. 支持xmind导出和多tab模式

    1. 能否支持xmind导出;
    2. 可以支持tab多本书的note来回翻阅,因为在写文章时候经常需要多本书摘录的笔记综合起来

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  19. 2 votes

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  20. apple词典划词查询

    MacBook 之前一直在这个软件里用查词典的,今天突然用不了了,昨天还好好的,太烦了 一直显示找不到,不管选什么词,被查询的都是“??????”,谷歌翻译也用不了,只能手动重新输入一遍

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