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The forum is meant for posting ideas about the features you would like to have in MarginNote.
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166 results found

  1. 警告 闪退

    今天尝试把mac上的笔记传到pad上时 不知道怎么回事 开始一直出现警告 闪退 卸载重新下也不可以

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  2. 建议恢复标签隐藏功能


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  3. 希望取消复习时重点自动转化为填空的功能


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  4. 卡片查看自由度不够,可以借鉴下老版


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  5. There should be a forum category for MarginNote 3 Beta testers.

    As a beta tester for iOS MarginNote 3, I would like to be able to discuss any bugs or observations other testers have encountered. Any features not working, crashing, or missing that were in the original MarginNote but not in the new app? Are we on the same page?

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. 新版 note3中卡片不能像老版那样可以导出成pdf了!非常不方便!

    新版 note3中卡片不能像老版那样可以导出成pdf了!非常不方便!

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  8. It would be good to have a basic user manual for the iOS Pro Version for those who do not have a MAC.

    I can see a lot of potential in the iOS app but getting started is difficult if you are not using the MAC version and are new to the iPad.

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  9. 功能建议:空格键后者上下箭头移动pdf页面

    经常看pdf,但是在主窗口用上下箭头是在不同的note中转换,不管当前选中区域是哪儿。要是想用键盘看下面的内容,只能用Alt+上下箭头。很不方便,能不能像一般的pdf浏览器那样,在不选中note窗口时,用空格或者上下箭头翻页? 或者至少是增加一个选项可以个性化下拉快捷键的。要不然总是要把手移开用鼠标来往下翻。很麻烦。

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  10. 建议降低文字编辑中,标重点文字的底色,降低饱和度。


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  11. 出现了一点小bug


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  12. Mac版本工具切换效率低


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  13. 建议

    本来有个翻译功能特别好 但开启书写模式时 就无法选择文本再进行新的翻译 非得关掉右边的翻译 再退出书写模式 才可以选文本,这样一直反复切换很麻烦!强烈希望改进这一点,可以同时用笔写的同时 可以选文本进行翻译。

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  14. 根据当前排版计算页数问题(caculating the page number)

    macOS, 版本Marginnote X 2.7.12 (2.7.12002)



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  15. mac bug

    矩形框的快捷键不能用 其他正常 shift command R 没效果

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. 1 vote

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  18. Support for animated gifs in notes

    Please support animated gif if not video.
    I know video might be asking for a lot (even if it is a short video), but I think supporting animated gifs in addition to regular images in the margins is very feasible. Especially because there are many free services to convert video files to gifs online.

    For example, I’m reading a book on horses I’d like to share. It would be useful to provide gifs tather than static I ages to illustrate the different gaits mentioned in the book.

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  19. 电脑端加入快捷键,比如键入完成后的完成

    add some keyboard short cuts like press enter to finish editing notes

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  20. 软件内不能显示epub格式电子书的封面!希望改进!


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