Please correct format for DEVONthink
Please add double line break between Title, URL and Text. Without those breaks
- The rtf note as it is, it is too crammed to be read easily.
- If automatic changes are applied to several rtf files, such as increasing the font size, the result is even more crammed -most probably I am not alone at being unable to read the current font size.
- If files are converted to markdown, paragrah breaks are lost.
- The rtf note as it is, it is too crammed to be read easily.
Please use the same font for title and body text; bold for title. Currently MarginNote uses two different regular fonts to distinghish title from body text. I do need to format current rtf output, but when automatically changing font and size to many rtf files automatically, the format difference worsens: at the same size, Georgia font used in text looks bigger than Helvetica used in title; at the same size, the difference between them is unnoticeable.
As long as I am concerned, this would be solved with:
double breaks between title, link and body text.
same font for all output; bold style for title.

jmm commented
Surely the readability problem may not be apparent in Chinese or Cyrillic scripts, but I find it hard to cope with in Latin script.
Another improvement would be to optimize the interline spacing as well. Now it is close to single-line spacing: too tight, dense and hard to read. Something below 1.2 would contribute to increase the readability of MarginNote rtf files. -
jmm commented
To change font size automatically for many rtf notes is not a problem. Users with poorer eyesight need to do so. Currently, MarginNote rtf output relies on different fonts for contrast between the title and the text of the note. Three different fonts for each short highlight are, arguably, too many types.
Applying automatically the same size to MarginNote rtfs (not to mention if one wants to change font as well), results in poor contrast between the title and the text of the note. This low contrast is worsened by the fact that there is no double line break between them.
I find MarginNote output for DEVONthink far too difficult to read and I hope this issue can be solved.