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The forum is meant for posting ideas about the features you would like to have in MarginNote.
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19 results found

  1. Discuss Cloud Service


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  2. Discuss Apple Pencil

    Panel for Apple Pencil

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  3. 81 votes

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    Mobi, azw3是Kindle可用格式. 通过Calibre等软件可以转换为Marginnote可支持的ePub. Word暂时也可以通过同样的转换实现在MN里阅读. 待开发MN3进度结束会进一步考量.

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    目前MarginNote2是没有能力读取只影印但未OCR处理文字的PDF文本. 如果这种文件,选定文字后也很出现时乱码情况. 这种情形我们建议在导入MarginNote前先OCR处理好. 正在开发的新程序MarginNote 3会引入OCR功能, 实现实时OCR节选的高亮部分文字.

  5. Project manage function

    Project Manager Function
    Magrinnote is really an excellent annotation and documents manager software.
    Does it passable to include a project manger function? Each project have their own boos, notebooks, tags and colour system.
    I have several project, and they have different tags, books ... If I can create different project in Marginnote, I will never use other software to manager my documents.

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  6. the ability to make simple tables

    If possible, it would be useful for me to have tables. I am studying pharmacology and feel it would be better to consolidate information with handmade tables. They are difficult to make efficiently in the drawing app. Thank you for your time!

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  7. Bookmark

    Direct bookmark at one touch

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  8. 给导图树枝们增加大括号

    就是比方说在横向视图下的 导图

    我知道有 link 的功能,这样感觉笔记会更直观/美观一些

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  9. Ability to freehand arrange items horizontally in MindMap Mode

    Instead of stacking sub headers vertically, it would be nice to position them horizontally. I find myself only using up to 2-3 sub levels in my notes and have difficulty finding what I need when it is stacked on top vertically. Thank you.

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  10. 利用压感更好地优化apple pencil的jian yi

    liquidtext已经针对apple pencil优化了轻扫选文本,重按框选,斜着荧光标柱的功能(如图),在重度连续阅读时非常省时省力,希望也能跟进类似的功能并优化选项栏的位置(顶部比底部切换更快,无需抬手)

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  11. 建议把导图的每个卡片边框做的小一点,视觉效果会更好


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  12. 3 votes

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  13. Seed this forum with your ideas

    UserVoice pro tip #1:
    Your customers are full of ideas, but people are more likely to contribute if they're not among the first. Add your own ideas now!

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  14. Import/edit content and bookmark for Pdf and ePub

    Import and edit contents or bookmarks to pdf file. (not one by one, I hope can import a list)

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    In future versions, MarginNote will support importing built-in content table for PDF and ePub. What do you mean when you say “edit contents to pdf file”? It’s a bit puzzling. Clarification needed.

  15. 建议能够增加纯笔记/mindmapping功能

    很少写建议,因为这个软件真的很有意思 所以来提点建议

    我本来是在找一个mind mapping tool的,结果跳出来了这个软件 当时没有仔细看就直接下载了 结果发现并没有想要的笔记功能 一定要import一个PDF文档才能用 或者就得用Evernote 但是这样就给不用evernote的用户造成了很多不便 虽然是margin note 但+上note的功能更加名副其实


    最后就是 这个软件用起来有点复杂 比如说一定要click "done" 能不能加一个快捷键比如"esc“之类的;+如果是上课实时做笔记的话,这个软件就真的很不实用了。。。。。)

    望开发者考虑一下我的建议 !

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    1. MarginNote现在已经实现了直接新建空白笔记本(不需要和书连结),然后直接做为大纲笔记或者思维导图工具.
    2. 快捷键部分会考虑. 谢谢建议.

  16. 改进建议在呼唤产品经理






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    1. 会反馈到开发者让他优化pop-up页面.
    2. 缩进的图标的位置问题, 同上会考虑.
    3. 反应时间缩短, 既可能和软件本身有关,也可能和设备有关.会同转达开发者,如果MN可以做优化,以后版本会继续努力.
    4. 暂时没有关联百度网盘的计划. 2018年会推出Webdav,对目前的同步生态做进一步补充.

  17. 笔记排序


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  18. 高亮内容编辑


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  19. Give back drop without annotation

    Please dont annotate drop. It cant be read on simple mind. Fuck

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