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2080 results found

  1. Hashtags page problem

    I have more than 50 hashtags added to notes, thus ,the Hashtags user interface is all covering by tags,Can't view any notecard.
    It is better to hide all tags on the Hashtags page.
    Please allow us selected the targeted hashtags by drop-down list.
    Also please provide the function of delete/edit unwanted hashtags.

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  2. 强烈希望一本书可以添加多个学习版!


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  3. 4 votes

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  4. Zoom text

    There's no way to zoom text. Many documents are way to small to read, never mind annotate. This app is more disappointing at every turn. And it costs $9.99 in Canada.

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  6. Styled footnotes/references

    I noticed that when clicking on footnotes/references in the text they loose some of there formatting. It would be nice to keep some of the text formatting since most of the time they are provided to help in reading.

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  7. Cropped views

    Papers often have huge margins, but we don't place our notes in these margins but in the side box instead. It would be nice to crop the view to cut out the wasted space, thus making it a bit easier for old eyes to read the text also. Setting different crops for even & odd pages would be a nice extra that is useful for things like scanned magazine articles or older books and the like. I know I can zoom in, but doing it too much gets fiddly and distracting vs just being able to fire and forget crops.

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  8. 4 votes

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  9. Parte

    Núm. 3: Hechos de Apóstoles. La exactitud del libro de Hechos (it-1 pág. 1115 párrs. 3-5) (5 min.)

    Autenticidad. La exactitud del libro de Hechos ha quedado confirmada a través de los años por varios descubrimientos arqueológicos.
    Pablo y Bernabé fueron enviados a efectuar obra misional en Chipre y allí conocieron a un procónsul llamado Sergio Paulo, “varón inteligente”. (Hechos 13:7.) A mediados del siglo XIX, en unas excavaciones en Chipre se descubrió una inscripción de 55 E.C. que menciona a este mismo hombre. De esto el arqueólogo G. Ernest Wright dice: “Es la única referencia que tenemos a…

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  10. Two column layout when showing the margin

    Even when the margin is shown, a two column layout may be better when you have little notes but a big screen. Could be made optional.

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  11. 3 votes

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  12. 3 votes

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  13. 3 votes

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  14. 3 votes

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  15. 卡退问题


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  16. 卡死只能强行退出,MacOS Catalina 10.15.4 和margin noteX 最新版2.7.17

    卡死只能强行退出,MacOS Catalina 10.15.4 和margin noteX 最新版2.7.17 。进入编辑界面,有时候点comment有时候点图片都会卡死,十分烦,report多次,问题已经出现很久了,也没有得到更新和解决,请不要烂尾。

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  17. Russian keyboard

    This app is great but there is no Russian keyboard so I can’t use it all the time.
    Please add Russian keyboard (I don’t ask localization just keyboard)

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  18. Traduzione applicazione

    Le lingue attualmente disponibili per MarginNote 3 sono davvero poche. La possibilità di poter usufruire del programma in italiano amplierebbe sicuramente il target di riferimento.

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  19. 无法导出anki


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  20. 3 votes

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