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2080 results found

  1. 为什么上传的文件会被加密?why unlocked file become locked after uploading

    1.My unlocked file became locked and asked me to input a password which I didn't know. And no matter what I input the password, the pdf is empty.
    2. my ipad shows that I didn't log in iCloud which I Do log in.

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  2. 拖拽图片到大纲中(或思维导图)后,可重新裁剪,以及套索功能

       有时候就只是想单纯的做一个思维导图啊 ,可能并没有什么图书来倒入。这种时候从网页直接拖拽图片进来,图片上的内容可能是文字,也可能是图案。直接拖拽进来的图片是整幅图片,不便于在思维导图展示,这种时候想要有个“裁剪”,以及“套索”功能来编辑已经拖拽进来的图片,这样就能把精华呈现在思维导图以及大纲中了。
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  3. 建议增加不同设备同步功能/Synchronization service of different devices

    建议增加iPhone,ipad 等不同设备间的同步功能

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  4. 希望学习卡队列可以自行编辑


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  5. 除了有一个显示问题的视图外,应该还要有一个显示其他选项的视图,这样就可以问题答案之间相互切换着测验了。举个例子,我看英文小说,摘录不认识的英文单词,然后备注中文释义,那我在只看问题的视图,就可以根据英文回忆中文,在看其他选项的视图,就可以根据中文来回忆英文,对于外语学习很实用。


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  6. Vector symbols

    It would be great for the selection tool to be able to read and understand the small vector arrow and add it to the mindmap

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  7. ~~~

    Can you put a function where I can underline and draw on the document without it being added to the outline nor the mind map

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  8. have the app recognise spaces better

    Hello people at marginnotes.
    When I'm typing cards on the right side of the screen, it will often remove a space I put in between words. whichmakesmy notes look like the first gigantic word in this sentence. It's quite bothersome for a perfectionist like myself.

    Thank you.

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  9. BUG: HTML render in ePub (Marginnote Pro macOs version)

    1. Open an ePub file with HTML codes (e.g. Head First HTML)
    2. Select (Highlight) HTML code
    3. These code will be render, though the rendering is unnecessary and misleading.
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  10. 希望加强书写功能

    表示每次都要点那个书写的图标才能自由书写很麻烦,写完还要点完成,真的有点费事啊,完全无法体现apple pencil的优势的赶脚,还有希望自由套索能有折线型自由套索,自己画的自由套索抖的更帕金森似的…

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  11. 两点建议,参考goodreader


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  12. 1 vote

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  13. 3 votes

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  14. 1 vote

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  15. 关于翻页


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  16. 建议

    本来有个翻译功能特别好 但开启书写模式时 就无法选择文本再进行新的翻译 非得关掉右边的翻译 再退出书写模式 才可以选文本,这样一直反复切换很麻烦!强烈希望改进这一点,可以同时用笔写的同时 可以选文本进行翻译。

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  17. 可否添加新的快捷键来结束每一次的操作

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  18. 分类有问题


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  19. 那啥,文件好像不能排序


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  20. Error shows when copying mathematically symbols

    When copying the mathematical symbols, the correct one cannot be shown.

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