Discuss Cloud Service

Anonymous commented
Would like Google Drive and One Drive sync. Personally, I have more room on those drives than my Dropbox.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
加个国内的百度云 怎么样
[Deleted User] commented
晴天 commented
Angus commented
希望增加其他云同步服务,dropbox 被墙
James commented
Please add support for one drive
Anonymous commented
WebDAV sync like iAnnotate PDF
Anonymous commented
软件总体很好,但希望考虑以上问题,尤其第一个,着急备份,谢谢! -
Gary commented
I second this would be good to get integration with Google docs.
Anonymous commented
synology cloudstation, google drive, onedrive,evernote
Cornelis van Dijk commented
It would be great if I could sync this with my documents and books on Google Drive!
Anonymous commented
onedriver also good
Anonymous commented
Hi, it would be really usefull to have access to OneDrive, Google Drive, etc.
I would gladly pay extra for these kind of features.Also, i sould be able to get access to more than one Account by cloud storage.
Anonymous commented
Would be Greta, since i synecd with Evernote. Then i removed my connection with Evernote. And all my notes in marginnote are gone...grrr
katherine commented
i would also like dropbox sync
AdminMin Sun (Founder, marginnote) commented
Yeah, I'm working on Dropbox integration. Thanks!
Crome commented
Please add dropbox and google drive sync backup and this will be the king of all note reading apps.
AdminMin Sun (Founder, marginnote) commented
We are working on Dropbox Syncing.Dropbox Syncing would be more stable than evernote.
Anonymous commented
Ever thought about linking with other cloud services such as Dropbox and google drive?