Issues with the numbering of notes exported to Devonthink
After working with it, I've realised that the current numbering of rtf files doesn't work well at all in DevonThink.
The problem is that if I first read chapter 3 of a book, Marginnote will export to Devonthink numbering those notes consecutively, starting with 0001. If a few days later I go back to the book and read chapter 1, these new notes will be previous to the former. Therefore, the numbering of notes in chapter 3 is altered and doesn't match any more the numbering of the notes already in Devonthink.
The solution to this issue would be to number the rtf files with the pdf page numbers. So that if the first note I take is in page 143 of Chapter 3, the name of the rtf file exported to Devonthink will always start with 0143_
jmm commented
The new paging of notes according to pdf pages is great. However, since this update notes' names exported to DEVONthink end in 8-character unique identifiers: _B49CF67D, _B49CF67D, etc.
As I find those last characters add unnecessary clutter to file names, I have resorted to removing the last 9 characters of all notes exported from MarginNote with a file renamer.
As this behavior is not consistent with other export options available in MarginNote, nor with any other Mac app behavior, would it be possible for MarginNote not to add those last characters?