Export nodes to linked rtf files with Apple tags
This new feature would export each MarginNote node to a separate rtf file. Each of these files will include Apple tags (equal to the node's MarginNote tags), a link to the highlighted pdf text, and links to its sibling and parent nodes.
This implementation will make MarginNote nodes fully usable within DevonThink. It will also unlock nodes from within MarginNote to be accessed by the macOS finder, HoudahSpot, FoxTrot, Tinderbox and other worthy apps in the same line of work as MarginNote.
Also, form the Apple standard, tags can be exported to other formats. This is how DevonThink operates with its own tag system.
jmm commented
Great. This has been implemented as Export Notebook to DEVONthink.
I think it is essential that rtf file names are pre-appended with the pdf page numbers, starting at 0001. This way it is possible to arrange the rtfs in a meaningful order for skimmed reading, either in Devonthink or in Apple finder.
jmm commented
Exporting to rtf via Omnioutliner doesn’t solve the problem:
1. It doesn’t keep links to highlighted text in MarginNote pdfs. This is essential for convenient checks before referencing quotations.
2. It doesn’t transfer MarginNote tags to Apple tags and then to DevonThink tags. Therefore, tags remain locked within MarginNote.
3. Moreover, only short rtf files make sense in Devonthink. When researching in a specific field, long rtf files containing all nodes from a long book make Devonthink searches and AI useless.
4. Rtfs containing all nodes from a pdf make it impossible to pass from the reading stage of individual books within Marginnote to rearranging nodes from several books for the writing stage with Tinderbox.
I hope this makes sense. Thank you.