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The forum is meant for posting ideas about the features you would like to have in MarginNote.
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2080 results found

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  3. 重复字建议改善


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  5. 软件里的notes可以在其他的pdf软体中查看

    目前只能在marginnote里查看,用Pdf Expert打开当前的文档是查看不了那些annotation的。

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  7. 没有书的笔记本可不可以直接省略书的部分


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  8. Filter/ search by color

    Each color I assign to a note or highlight has a specific meaning. E.g. Blue highlights represent a to-do item, red represents opinions I disagree with, etc. It would be great if I can look up my notes and highlights by a specific color.

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  11. 荧光笔功能 会覆盖文本

    感觉是蒙在文本上面。。而不是文本底层的。。用了以后会让文本更不清晰 TT

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  12. 两本书视图模式请问不可以横向分布两本书吗?


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  14. Add zoom in/out feature

    Essential to add zoom in/out, so we can adjust the size of the pages we're looking at. A vital feature which I see others have requested!!

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  15. mac版本小bug, margin view正在输入中文时(squirrel输入法框显示), 按esc, 这时margin view焦点消失

    margin view正在输入中文时(squirrel输入法框显示)
    这时margin view焦点消失
    需要重新鼠标点margin view获得焦点

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  16. margin view内直接创建笔记时 快捷键 回车 和 ctrl回车应能设置

    margin view内直接创建笔记时

    应该用户能够设置 提交为 ctrl+enter 或者 enter

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  18. 希望可以将学习卡片打乱顺序出现


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  19. 取消同步时“菊花旋转”的状态显示


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  20. Add Audio Recording Files Text To Speach TTS from other APP

    I don't use Apple voices. I'm in search of a TTS synthesis from years and paid, somtimes, like 44€ for 'advanced' SAPI5 voices. But it is not what uman brain accepts, and, like apple voices, are not useful for study.

    Finally, I found an economic APP that matches uman brains needs in order to be accepted and not ignored like other.

    I can only export short filie from this app to MP3.

    THE FEATURE TO ALLEGATIONS OF AUDIO FILE TO PDF, will solve this problem and will be useful for similar things.

    Thanks for your time.

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