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The forum is meant for posting ideas about the features you would like to have in MarginNote.
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2. State Your Reason. Be precise and provide more info on why you would like to add or support a new feature.
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2080 results found

  1. 闪退闪退!


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  2. Random flash cards

    Shuffle the order of the flash cards when you want to study

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  3. Edit, copy, remove a page in pdf

    Ability to Edit, copy, remove a page in pdf

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  4. Import annotation

    Any chance that annotation from other app be transferred and be edited. I have several books that are annotated but don't want to repeat all of them.

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  5. Where can I select chapters in a book?

    I can't see the table of contents option in this app. Could you please add this feature?

    Another feature that I would like to tell you is that could you make the scrolling function faster and smoother? What I am comparing to is the Adobe Reader, you may want to have a look at it.

    By the way it's a great app so far, thanks for making it.

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  6. 1. 希望加入对markdown笔记的支持;2.浏览器内截图功能

    1. markdown用来做笔记很强大而且简单,希望marginnote能够支持用markdown 来做笔记。

    同时支持对笔记的多种格式的输出,比如说pdf,html,md file等等。

    1. 其实笔记内的浏览器用起来不如用safari或者chrome,但是我喜欢在browser里面直接drag n drop的功能,所以如果能够在browser里面支持截图直接保存到note里面就很好了,因为很多时候我需要的内容并不是图片,而是text和math formula的混合。。。这时候截图功能就特别的方便。不然我还要用mac自带截图软件到桌面上,然后再drag进note,麻烦
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  7. Add more highlight colors

    Add more highlight colors

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  8. 23 votes

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  9. 看文献时Google翻译不能用了

    margin note翻译使用的Google翻译没有反应,不能用了,我试了网速没有问题,同时下载的Google app 仍然可以使用。 所以只是margin note内不能使用。麻烦尽快解决。。。太耽误事了

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  10. 目录添加


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  11. 付费了2次



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  12. 23 votes

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  13. Export to Ulysses and Scrivener

    This would be very helpful too.

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  14. M2无法升级购买


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  15. 批量导入和部分文件无法导入


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  16. 希望可以有合并笔记本的功能


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  17. Seamless ePub reading

    I love how this app handles pdf files and I love the style of note taking and highlighting. It could, however, use some improvement when it comes to ePub files. It still gets the job done but I would like to see it handle the ePub files more seamlessly, similar to iBooks. For example, it would be nice if linked references pop up in the main screen rather than jumping to a different page. I realize they show as notes in the margin but it's not quite the same. Maybe it's just me though.

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  18. Picture Zoom

    It would be great to have a picture zoom feature and a pictures only view feature where you can just view the pictures/images within a publication.

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  19. 我的笔记不知道为什么就不见了


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  20. 强烈要求加强对apple pencil 的支持 现在版本书写延迟太大了

    如果笔记本中能加入纸张 再加上优化 什么goodnotes notability noteplus 都不是对手

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