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2080 results found

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  2. Add zoom in/out feature

    Essential to add zoom in/out, so we can adjust the size of the pages we're looking at. A vital feature which I see others have requested!!

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  3. mac版本小bug, margin view正在输入中文时(squirrel输入法框显示), 按esc, 这时margin view焦点消失

    margin view正在输入中文时(squirrel输入法框显示)
    这时margin view焦点消失
    需要重新鼠标点margin view获得焦点

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  4. margin view内直接创建笔记时 快捷键 回车 和 ctrl回车应能设置

    margin view内直接创建笔记时

    应该用户能够设置 提交为 ctrl+enter 或者 enter

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  6. 希望可以调整思维导图节点的宽度


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  7. 希望可以将学习卡片打乱顺序出现


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  8. 导出为带有笔记的pdf时闪退

    每次都闪退,ipad mini4 希望优化这个功能

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  9. 希望可以在旁边加文本框


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  10. 2 votes

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  11. 取消同步时“菊花旋转”的状态显示


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  12. Add Audio Recording Files Text To Speach TTS from other APP

    I don't use Apple voices. I'm in search of a TTS synthesis from years and paid, somtimes, like 44€ for 'advanced' SAPI5 voices. But it is not what uman brain accepts, and, like apple voices, are not useful for study.

    Finally, I found an economic APP that matches uman brains needs in order to be accepted and not ignored like other.

    I can only export short filie from this app to MP3.

    THE FEATURE TO ALLEGATIONS OF AUDIO FILE TO PDF, will solve this problem and will be useful for similar things.

    Thanks for your time.

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  13. Themes & Design

    About design: you will sell 10 times more simply impring design.

    Tink about this; this app has thousands ouf features, and perfect stability, elevate compatibility. Its clar you had exceptional abilities in programming.

    Please, i say it more for yourself than for us, assume a designer.

    Think about an APP like Ulysses and comeare it with yours.

    Its easy to deduce the consequences of a design make up on popularity, and profits.

    Morover many of ous would like a better look.

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  14. 书的数量多了以后打开很慢

    超过五六百本的时候 打开全部这个分类就会很卡

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  15. 希望在iCloud上可以看到PDF的高亮标注

    希望可以直接看到 在电脑上比较方便!

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  16. 希望PDF文档及笔记导出可以更便捷

    每次导出都要一页一页压平 很慢而且耗费资源 压平之后在其他PDF阅读器无法识别到高亮标注 挺不方便的!希望可以更快的导出

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  17. 编辑学习卡问题部分时能否自动生成多个卡片?

    例如在一张卡片上有 xx的组成:123 和 各自的作用:123



    类似anki上的image occlusion插件里的功能


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  18. Reading statistics

    Information like:
    1) how long I have spent on reading this book
    2) how long it would take to finish this book/this chapter
    would be super useful to plan studies.

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  19. 阅读统计


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  20. 希望可以输出到ppt,希望可以导入导出到X mind另外可以windows下使用


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