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The forum is meant for posting ideas about the features you would like to have in MarginNote.
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2080 results found

  1. Macbook 同步bug

    macbook 无法正确同步IOS 的书记到正确到分类中,IOS做了很多笔记也上传了很多书,可是macbook上只有总数,每个分类下却都是0!

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  2. 笔记高亮时,F 字符无法有效识别!!!

    当选中的文字中带有 F 这个字符,在左侧的大纲里头就会识别为?,请开发者务必解决这个问题。

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  3. 2 votes

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  4. Bulk transfer and/or migration

    Direct Bulk transfer of all content from iPAD to Mac and vice versa.

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  5. AI search through documents like iOS app PDF search

    Something like this built in:


    • Page ranking system

    • Word distance algorithm

    • Keyword placement analyse

    • Emphasize power ranking (Header, title, paragraph detection)

    • Search specific files

    • Higher rank for up-to-date files

    • Quick navigation between pages in different documents

    • Highlighting keywords in different colours

    • Insert annotates to pages (Highlight, Underline, Strikethrough)

    PDF Search is an elegant reader app using artificial intelligence algorithms to find the most relevant pages inside thousands of PDF documents quickly. It searches like a human, but it makes it very fast.

    Information is a key to success. PDF…

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  6. pdf可以加入竖直翻页功能?


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  7. 改进建议在呼唤产品经理






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    1. 会反馈到开发者让他优化pop-up页面.
    2. 缩进的图标的位置问题, 同上会考虑.
    3. 反应时间缩短, 既可能和软件本身有关,也可能和设备有关.会同转达开发者,如果MN可以做优化,以后版本会继续努力.
    4. 暂时没有关联百度网盘的计划. 2018年会推出Webdav,对目前的同步生态做进一步补充.

  8. 笔记排序


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  9. Support of pdf line breaks in highlight notes

    Notes in the outline that are automatically filled with the highlight content do not reproduce the line breaks in the pdf. As a result, many times they are unreadeable. Furthermore, supporting line breaks would make them readable when exported as rtf to DEVONthink.

    I attach a sample pdf original. This is how its highlighting is rendered unreadable now:

    "We might imagine quickly sketching out some writing cues on index cards, each representing a short vignete: the gren-haired girl the penny whistle table a talkative bookseller the old man who saves us fom the pickpocket honey cakes juggling knives and torches…

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  10. Move around the mindmap with the mouse (OSX)

    Move around the mindmap with the secondary mouse button (OSX)
    Like mindmanager does, it would be very helpful to be able to pan around the mindmap using the secondary button of the mouse.

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  11. 3 votes

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  12. Support several screens

    A lot of people use more than one screen. Usually the laptop and an external, I use 3 externals.

    It would be great to have the possibility to split screens, and get the mind map on one screen, the book on other, and the notes on the third one

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  13. 闪退


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  14. 1 vote

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  15. 笔记和标签视图下直接编辑笔记


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  16. 改进搜索方式


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  18. 关于学习卡


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  19. 编辑注释时需要按done才能选择编辑其他的地方或删除注释, 希望可以跳过按done这个步骤

    很好的软件, 但Mac版本有的操作有点多余. 而且缺乏快捷键自定义, 让软件操作并不是很流畅. 希望能改进, 谢谢.

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