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The forum is meant for posting ideas about the features you would like to have in MarginNote.
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2080 results found

  1. 关于闪退的问题

    我多次使用手写/笔写pencil 出现闪退问题,请问这个该怎么解决呢

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  2. It shows there’s no document can prove i bought my Marginote2 pro, this led to the problem which i cannot upgrade the app to marginote3 in a

    It shows there’s no document can prove i bought my Marginote2 pro, this led to the problem which i cannot upgrade the app to marginote3 in a favorable price, please solve the issue

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  3. 1 vote

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  4. 期待增加iPad竖屏时,文档与脑图上下视图模式






    ① 大众习惯:右手在文档与脑图间上下来回做标注和整理,这种模式更类似于我们从小“笔记顶着课本”写写画画的方式,也和在纸质书的同一页面上下段落来回做标注时差别不大;

    ② 此模式下,由于右手的手肘和小臂可以得到桌面支撑,做笔记就轻松、顺畅、不疲乏,不会像横屏左右视图模式时,右手时常从文档和视线之间来回扫过,阻碍注意力;

    ③ 此模式下,文档的文字、插图和正被阅读的页面部分可得到更好地横向舒展,不被压缩,标注处理和浏览更方便了;

    ④ 上下模式更方便“左利手”的学友们。


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  5. 23 votes

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  6. 106 votes

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  7. 一直闪退


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  8. 50 votes

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  9. 无法识别文字


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  10. 2 votes

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  11. 邮箱无法分享


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  12. 1 vote

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  13. 2 votes

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  14. 使用欧路词典查词经常闪退


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  15. 连接两个节点时会闪退


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  16. 12 votes

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  17. 买了这个升级3居然还要钱


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  18. 新版本一直闪退,没人管管嘛


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  19. 手写笔记重新渲染时未保留之前的粗细


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  20. 视频编辑建议


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