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The forum is meant for posting ideas about the features you would like to have in MarginNote.
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2. State Your Reason. Be precise and provide more info on why you would like to add or support a new feature.
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30 results found
第一就是希望可以优化Apple Pencil的书写体验,书写体验还是不太好,另外遇到了书写几个字后闪屏的问题,不知道什么原因;
第二是希望增加二次选择功能,比如我有个单词不认识,我选择之后点击研究,查看翻译,查看完之后我想标注它或者添加到卡片组,不想再二次选择,能否再原来选择的基础上,在原选择范围上点击一下,可以继续弹出操作框,而在空白处点击就可以继续进行其他操作,这样会方便很多。1 vote -
M3学习模式中,Apple pencil无法对页面进行拖拽
M3学习模式中,Apple pencil无法对页面进行拖拽,这样很不方便,希望开发者能把学习模式改得跟文档阅读模式一样,可以拖拽,然后按住能进行摘录,感谢~
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iPad 2018
在margin note上正常写,在mn3上就到处是问题,写出来一直消失,我把手抬起来也没用,mn3和mn相比没什么亮点,要说有的话,可能就是mn3更加难用。1 vote -
apple pencil和手指的操作逻辑
以前的pro版本篮框选定直接用apple pencil,翻页用手指,感觉很方便。
现在3版本手指和apple pencil都可以翻页,篮框选定需要apple pencil长
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Applepencil的延迟感很明显 望改进
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Can you put a function where I can underline and draw on the document without it being added to the outline nor the mind map
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plz add an option to close the auto font correction when using Apple Pencil
it‘s ok when writing in English
But awkward with Chinese
So why not add an option to close it?1 vote
- Don't see your idea?